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All Day Shopping

Shopping, shopping, shopping… that is how we spent most of our day!? Yes, it was wonderful. hehe? I got some new ski gloves and sock liners!? I bet that doesn’t sound exciting to you but my little piggies are stoked!? We also got our holiday decor.? I will be setting up our tree and decorating it a little later tonight.? We had a bit of a debate on the tree front.? I wanted a loud, bright exciting tree… Brett wanted a “classy” tree with colors that match the rest of our house.? You’ll have to check out my living room cam to see who won.?

After all that shopping we picked up groceries.? I have some new recipes I can’t wait to try?so even grocery shopping was fun this week.? Oh and they had a vegan?apple cake in the bakery tonight… had to get a slice of that.? Haven’t tried it yet.? Celestial Seasons came out with a few holiday teas and they are all yummy.? So I will wait to have a bit of my cake until I make some tea.?

? Hope you guys area having a wonderful night.

Kisses, Sammy

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